Tree Removal in EulessDo you need a tree removed from your business or property?
If you live in Euless, or the surrounding area, please give us a call at (682) 243-4429. We will be happy to come to your place and evaluate the tree in question, talk to you about what we would like to do, and then give you a free estimate. We are a fully licensed and insured tree removal company right here in Euless, and will get the job done in a professional, timely, and safe manner. When you call us, we’ll first come look at the tree. Every situation is different. The approach we use will depend largely on many factors, such as the kind of tree, its height, its width, its location to your house or other property, the condition of the tree and of the surrounding grounds. While there are general principles of tree cutting, customers may have unique situations, depending on their own situation. Some trees are growing close to the house, for example, and may need more of a surgical approach. This is why we like to get out there to your place and actually look at your project. After we come out to take a look, we’ll be able to give you a helpful answer on how best to bring it down, and how much it would cost. Regardless of what project you have – no matter how small or large - we have all the equipment and experience necessary to take care of it for you. Give us a call and let us see how we can help you today. |
How Do I Know If I Need Tree Removal Services?

There are several factors that can help you determine if you need tree removal services. Here are some quick questions you can ask yourself that may help:
1) Is it leaning? If a tree is leaning and is also near your property, house, business or area where family or loved ones walk, then it’s time to call a tree removal company to at least come and take a look. A leaning tree is unpredictable, and presents a real risk of falling. Be especially mindful if the tree starting leaning all of a sudden – as this is a tell-tale sign of a diseased root system
2) Does is have lots of dead branches? There are lots of potential reasons for dead limbs. Some of the reasons may include a lack of sunlight and air in the lower crown, or even roots that have become damaged, due to heavy operating equipment. In these cases, we can help to nurse the tree back to health. However, sometimes dead branches are an indication that something is wrong at the root level. Depending on how advanced the decay is, tree removal may become necessary.
3) Is there cracking or a breaking off of the bark? This is another sign that something may be wrong at the root level. While it is easy for these signs to go unnoticed, they are important indicators of deeper issues the tree may be having.
These are just a few suggestions of signs to look for when considering if a tree removal company is necessary. If you’re not exactly sure what you’re looking at, that’s ok! We would be happy to come and take a look for you, free of charge. We’ll then be able to give you a free quote. If you decide to hire our company, we’ll come out and safely cut down the tree and remove it. We will chop up all the wood, haul it away, and clean everything up completely. You won’t even know that we were there!
1) Is it leaning? If a tree is leaning and is also near your property, house, business or area where family or loved ones walk, then it’s time to call a tree removal company to at least come and take a look. A leaning tree is unpredictable, and presents a real risk of falling. Be especially mindful if the tree starting leaning all of a sudden – as this is a tell-tale sign of a diseased root system
2) Does is have lots of dead branches? There are lots of potential reasons for dead limbs. Some of the reasons may include a lack of sunlight and air in the lower crown, or even roots that have become damaged, due to heavy operating equipment. In these cases, we can help to nurse the tree back to health. However, sometimes dead branches are an indication that something is wrong at the root level. Depending on how advanced the decay is, tree removal may become necessary.
3) Is there cracking or a breaking off of the bark? This is another sign that something may be wrong at the root level. While it is easy for these signs to go unnoticed, they are important indicators of deeper issues the tree may be having.
These are just a few suggestions of signs to look for when considering if a tree removal company is necessary. If you’re not exactly sure what you’re looking at, that’s ok! We would be happy to come and take a look for you, free of charge. We’ll then be able to give you a free quote. If you decide to hire our company, we’ll come out and safely cut down the tree and remove it. We will chop up all the wood, haul it away, and clean everything up completely. You won’t even know that we were there!
Special Considerations
There are a few instances where we strongly recommend tree removal. For example, if an unhealthy tree is
If you are experiencing one or more of these issues, please reach out to us so we can make sure you're home and property are safe! We'll come out to your place, free of charge to see what you've got!
- Near your house or other property. When a tree is in really bad shape, it can take very little for it to fall over. If it is is near your property or home, this is potentially devastating scenario, and it is something to avoid at all costs.
- At risk of falling into power lines. This is a real hazard. If the tree in question falls onto the power lines, it has a potential of also knocking down the lines which is extremely dangerous for people, pets, children, family – everyone.
- Near other trees that you value. If a tree is decaying because it is diseased, it has the potential of spreading it to other healthy trees. This can become an expensive problem to fix down the road, as this disease can multiply quickly, along with the costs of trying to nurse them back to health.
If you are experiencing one or more of these issues, please reach out to us so we can make sure you're home and property are safe! We'll come out to your place, free of charge to see what you've got!
What Equipment Will Be Used to Remove My Tree?
There are many different kinds of equipment that could be used in tree removal. It will largely depend on the kind of tree, how big it is, where it is located, the condition of the surrounding grounds. However, that being said, here are some of the kinds of tools you can expect to see.
These are just a few of the most common tools you can expect to see with Euless Trees.
Of course, all of these tools are only tools. The most important thing in all of this is KNOWLEDGE – knowledge of the tree, knowledge of the tools, knowledge of what to do in different situations. This is the most important component in tree removal.
Using a tool in a way it wasn’t intended can actually be quite dangerous.
At Euless Trees, we not only have all the equipment necessary to do any job you need done, we also have the knowledge to operate it correctly.
We would love to come help you with any tree removal project that you have.
How can we help you today? Give us a call at (682) 243-4429
- Rigging Tools. These are the tools that help to safely transport tools and limbs up and down the tree. These could include things like friction brakes, winches, swivels, rigging thimbles, blocks and pulleys, etc.
- Cutting Tools. Besides the obvious tools like chains saws, we may also include the use of things like wood chippers, tree loppers, pole saws, and wide variety of wedges, hatchets and axes, depending on the situation.
- Climbing Tools. Some of the most important safety tools are the tools that help to safely climb and remain in the tree. The majority of accidents involving trees are actually not cutting related incidents; they are falling accidents. Any professional tree removing company will focus largely on great climbing tools. Some of the most common are saddles, spurs, straps, pulleys, ropes, protective clothing, ascender/descenders, etc.
- Heavy Operating Equipment: After cutting down and removing your tree, we will need to haul away the logs and other debris. Typical equipment you may see include tractors or backhoes to name just a few.
These are just a few of the most common tools you can expect to see with Euless Trees.
Of course, all of these tools are only tools. The most important thing in all of this is KNOWLEDGE – knowledge of the tree, knowledge of the tools, knowledge of what to do in different situations. This is the most important component in tree removal.
Using a tool in a way it wasn’t intended can actually be quite dangerous.
At Euless Trees, we not only have all the equipment necessary to do any job you need done, we also have the knowledge to operate it correctly.
We would love to come help you with any tree removal project that you have.
How can we help you today? Give us a call at (682) 243-4429